Sunday, January 31, 2010

Montgomery Museum of Fine Arts

From time to time I'll be reaching into my photo files to share some older images.  These shots were taken awhile back during a night photography workshop at the MMFA.   The most important lesson I learned at the workshop can be summed up in one word:     -> TRIPOD <-

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Bone Chillin'

I'm splashing my feet in the ocean waves... wiggling my toes in the sand... oh wait, never mind... sorry guys... daydreaming here!  I seem to be stuck inside on this c-c-cold winter day!

It is officially bone chillin' cold here in the Southeast, and weather forecasters are predicting possible SNOW on Thursday. I'm sure the other parts of the nation that have been languishing of late under several feet of snow would call us wusses, but please understand that folks in Alabama.... specifically Lower Alabama (LA if you're from around here), see snow "once in a blue moon." In all actuality, we'll never see snow that often, but I can only surmise that the blue moon on New Year's eve should have been a big hint! And now that we've been forewarned, that's our cue to all rush out to those grocery stores today to stock up on lots of milk and bread... in case we do have that big snow event!! Just sayin'

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

New Path

Welcome to my photo blog.  I look forward to sharing some of my photography with you as I wander down this new path.   You're invited to come along as I take my first steps and offer your comments if you feel so inclined.  Thank you for stopping by!!